Close-up of seedlings in a growing tray, growing healthy and green.

Human Rights

At Oettinger Davidoff we declare to take reasonable steps to respect human rights across our business and value chain, which translates into a firm commitment to uphold internationally recognized human rights treaties and principles.

Human Rights

Oettinger Davidoff AG and its group affiliates values honesty, integrity, accountability, and diversity and believes in ethical behavior and in acting responsibly towards the community and the environment while respecting and promoting human rights.

Currently employing more than 4’000 employees worldwide, out of which 2’000 work in our manufacturing sites in the Dominican Republic and Honduras, we are committed to respect and promote human rights across all our value chain and to promote the well-being and safety of the people working for or with us or who source raw material, products, or services.

Oettinger Davidoff’s Human Rights Policy outlines and reflects our values and commitment to respect the human rights of all our stakeholders, including our employees, partners, suppliers, contractors and other people impacted by our global own operations and our value chain.


To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.


Nelson Mandela

In this quote, Nelson Mandela emphasizes the essential role of human rights in recognizing and respecting human dignity. By saying, "To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity," Mandela is arguing that human rights are fundamental to the very essence of being human. He implies that when people are stripped of their rights, they are effectively being stripped of their humanity, as human rights are intrinsic to human dignity, identity, and worth.

Picture shows the concept of human rights, symbolised by repeated emphasis and diversity of human rights values. It is a visualisation and a PDF for download.

Human Rights Policy

The Policy articulates the company's commitment to respecting human rights. This entails the implementation of a due diligence process aimed at respecting, promoting and above all preventing and/or mitigating adverse human rights impact throughout the company's own operation and its value chain. To create awareness on human rights, we will embed mandatory training and education throughout our organisation.

PDF document on human rights reports containing important information and analyses on human rights issues.

Human Rights Report

Oettinger Davidoff will report annually on its human rights efforts and priorities in its own business areas and along its value chain. The report shall include the results of the risk analysis, the measures taken as well as the targets for the coming year. The report is published on the company website no later than six months after the end of each fiscal year.

Reporting Concerns

Oettinger Davidoff offers a Whistleblowing System that allows employees as well as external third parties such as Suppliers to anonymously report violations, grievances and risks allowing Oettinger Davidoff to investigate the concerns raised and take respective action if needed. 

To raise any concerns, click or scan the QR Code below. Oettinger Davidoff assures that “iWhistle” guarantees full anonymity for the whistleblower at any given time. 

whistle blowing qr code
whistle blowing qr code