Crop to Shop
The "Crop-to-Shop" philosophy embodies our commitment to unparalleled quality and craftsmanship.
From selecting the finest seeds and cultivating premium tobacco to expertly blending and crafting each individual cigar, every step is executed with precision and care. This vertically integrated process ensures that every cigar delivers the exceptional experience our aficionados value so highly.
From "Crop-To-Shop"
Oettinger Davidoff monitors and steers all phases of our cigar production. Developing the seeds, drying, fermenting, rolling the cigars and delivering them to one of our appointed merchants worldwide – this is what we call our «crop-to-shop» philosophy.
Davidoff's "Crop-to-Shop" philosophy is a story of meticulous precision and care, covering the last three decades of thoroughgoing quality and consistency.
Our two core warehouses deliver our customers and partners around the globe. These warehouses are the beating heart of our worldwide distribution network of premium tobacco products & accessories.
Before our cigars leave the logistic centers to our customer's destination, sample boxes or cases are reopened and checked again. After the final inspection, the quality guarantee label seals the box and health warning labels will be applied.
Our retail brand “Davidoff of Geneva since 1911” is an homage to our very first store, where Zino Davidoff himself welcomed his valued customers and shared his passion for quality and exquisite experiences.
Today, our customers enjoy the same experiences in our Flagship Stores around the world –from Geneva to New York to Hong Kong. Our Flagship Stores are the destination of choice for anyone aspiring to fine hand-made cigars, luxury accessories and sophisticated gifts.