• Jertha Jean Satiste, Fermentation Specialist
    "It's good to know that the company takes care of my kids when they have a medical issue. I feel at home"

    Jertha Jean Satiste, Fermentation Specialist

  • Manuel Cantalejos, General Counsel & Secretary to the Board
    „I enjoy to support the teams around the globe to navigate the highly regulated and dynamic market environment.“

    Manuel Cantalejos, General Counsel & Secretary to the Board

    Code of Conduct
How We Think

We Stand For

At Oettinger Davidoff, we value honesty, integrity, accountability and diversity. Our customers and our people are our most important assets. Passion for quality and innovation defines our work. Our culture is about the desire to win, excellence in execution, transparency, ambition and collaboration. We are fair and listen to each other, and we expect all of us to always look for a better way.

Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

Since 1875 Oettinger Davidoff has proven to be a responsible and successful family enterprise. Our corporate responsibility is focused on the areas of supply chain management, human resource development, and community relations.

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Our Values


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Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

We value honesty, integrity, accountability and diversity. All of Oettinger Davidoff’s employees are responsible for complying with our Code of Conduct. As the Code of Conduct cannot describe every situation we may encounter in our day-to-day business we apply the “Seven-Questions-Rule” to help us making the right decision in case of concern:

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Our Seven-Questions-Rule

Code of conduct

Is it legal?
Is it ethical?
Is it in line with Oettinger Davidoff's Vision & Values?
Am I setting a good example?
Would I be comfortable explaining my actions to colleagues, family and friends?
Would I or Oettinger Davidoff be comfortable if others read about my actions in the media?
Have I consulted my colleagues who have knowledge of this topic to help me make an informed decision?
Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Oettinger Davidoff Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the employment and working conditions, workplace practices, ethical business practices and environmental management practices that Oettinger Davidoff expects from its Suppliers. We ask that all Suppliers, as well as their management, will respect and follow this Supplier Code of Conduct and actively do their utmost to meet and share our values and standards.

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Human Rights

Human Rights

Oettinger Davidoff AG and its group affiliates values honesty, integrity, accountability, and diversity and believes in ethical behavior and in acting responsibly towards the community and the environment while respecting and promoting human rights. Currently employing more than 4’000 employees worldwide, out of which 2’000 work in our manufacturing sites in the Dominican Republic and Honduras, we are committed to respect and promote human rights across all our value chain and to promote the well-being and safety of the people working for or with us or who source raw material, products, or services.

Oettinger Davidoff’s Human Rights Policy outlines and reflects our values and commitment to respect the human rights of our all our stakeholders, including our employees, partners, supplies, contractors and other people impacted by our global own operations and our value chain.

Oettinger Davidoff will report annually on its human rights efforts and priorities in its own business areas and along its value chain. The report shall include the results of the risk analysis, the measures taken as well as the targets for the coming year. The report is published on the company website no later than six months after the end of each fiscal year.

Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Report 2023

Reporting Concerns

Reporting Concerns

Oettinger Davidoff offers a Whistleblowing System that allows employees as well as external third parties such as Suppliers to anonymously report violations, grievances and risks allowing Oettinger Davidoff to investigate the concerns raised and take respective action if needed. 

To raise any concerns, Suppliers can access AdvoWhistle or scan the following QR Code. Oettinger Davidoff assures that “iWhistle” guarantees full anonymity for the whistleblower at any given time. 

iwhistle qrcode
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